
Rivendell Rural Finance

Your expert mortgage brokers in rural finance from 1 acre to 10,000 acres.

Rural property Canberra, Rural home loans, Hobby farm loans, Lifestyle property loans, Agribusiness farming loans, Regional First Home Buyers.

How can we help you?

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Alison Smith, Principal, Rivendell Rural Finance

” Let us take away the stress and worry for your next rural finance home loans application. We love rural and acreage properties and are experts in this area. You are in good hands with Rivendell Rural Finance

Alison Smith, Principal, Rivendell Rural Finance
Alison Smith, Principal, Rivendell Rural Finance

” Let us take away the stress and worry for your next rural finance home loans application. We love rural and acreage properties and are experts in this area. You are in good hands with Rivendell Rural Finance

Alison Smith, Principal, Rivendell Rural Finance

Rural Finance Services

 Rural Land & Property Loans

 Rural Land & Property Loans
Rural Land & Property Loans

At Rivendell, we specialise in rural Finance services by helping our clients secure rural home loans for vacant land and established rural properties. We work with properties from 1 acre to 200 acres in size.

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 Hobby Farm Loans

 Hobby Farm Loans
Hobby Farm Loans

Hobby farms are becoming very popular, as clients are looking to make a move to the country and to run livestock or grow produce on their land but are not large scale farmers.

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Regional First Home Buyers

Regional First Home Buyers
Regional First Home Buyers

Buying your first home can be quite a daunting process. It can be even more difficult if you are a regional first home buyer where they may not be many services or local businesses/banks in your area.

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Agribusiness Farm Loans

Agribusiness Farm Loans
Agribusiness Farm Loans

We have a network of experienced and specialised agribankers who can work with us to provide advice and guidance, to assist with your agribusiness farming loan requirements.

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 Small Business and Commercial Property Loans

 Small Business and Commercial Property Loans
Small Business and Commercial Property Loans

Many of our clients are self-employed and while they wish to purchase a rural property or farm, they also have existing small businesses and commercial property needs.

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 Farm Equipment, Motor Vehicle & Machinery Finance

 Farm Equipment, Motor Vehicle & Machinery Finance
Farm Equipment, Motor Vehicle & Machinery Finance

This has been a great additional service, whereby we can obtain approvals for asset finance, when lodging refinance, property purchase and other loan applications, enabling our clients to have all their lending needs accommodated under the one roof.

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Rivendell Rural Finance, PO Box 398 Bungendore NSW 2621
1300 653 200 info@rivendellfinance.com.au

Contact Rivendell Finance

Tips and Tricks to Get a Rural Home Loan
